Since the middle of the last century, “think globally and act locally” has been a mantra of those advocating global change for the benefit of all. We at Ellesmere Capital do our best to align many of our day-to-day choices with the environmental and social missions many of our clients exude; beyond our obvious core business.

Examples of our choices include: (1) The building housing our office space, 401 Bay Street, is a recipient of BOMA Building Excellence and Go Green Awards. Initiatives in the building include zero-discharge waste, Enwave (Lake Water) cooling and advanced energy management technology; (2) Our website is hosted on a 100% wind-powered server; (3) We employ a paper reduction/paperless policy in the office. We ALWAYS print internal documents on both sides and recycle vigilantly; and (4) We are big advocates of public transit investments in our city.

Furthermore, our staff is continually seeking and contributing to community involvement opportunities. We are more than happy to share some of the work we’ve done in our community in a personal conversation.


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